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Writer's pictureGeorgia Sheehan




You might have seen Tiffany around the Inspire studio lately. Tiff, who recently returned from Singapore after moving there for dance in 2012, has captured our hearts and our minds in the cycle room over the last couple of weeks.

Better yet, Tiff's community box over the weekend was a tremendous hit, and she'll now be on the Rumble Roster regularly starting this week (we just can't get enough of her)!

So you don't have to, we asked Tiff everything you've been wanting to know (including her fav music, theme class, and time of day to teach)!


​​Tell us a little bit about you and how you got into rhythm riding.

As a dancer, music has been a huge part of my life since I was 3. I came across rhythm cycling as a new way to exercise 6 years ago - I was instantly hooked after one class. No matter how I felt before I walked into a class, I would ALWAYS walk out feeling so happy and ready for whatever I had for that day. Not many workouts can make you experience that.

And what is it that you love about rhythm riding so much?

You can just let go of everything that’s happening in your life and just dedicate those 45mins yourself. The darkroom allows you to really zone in on yourself, and nothing else matters. It’s a safe space. I love that. With the thumping beats and the flashing lights, I am reminded of being on stage. I couldn’t resist. It felt like a calling.

You recently moved back home from Singapore, what took you over to there in the first place?

I moved to Singapore in 2012 for a dance teaching contract which was only meant to be a year. I had made some connections along the way and was also offered work performing in musicals as well as hosting children's shows. So I stayed and eventually met my husband. We worked together in a Chinese musical and he was my dance partner. He thought it’d be a good idea to confess his feelings for me the day before I was actually moving back to Australia. He thought right. I flew back four weeks later for our first date. The rest is history.

What bought you back to Brisbane?

Oof! There are two answers about my move back to Brisbane. Short and long.

Version 1. I had been in Singapore for 10 years, and it was only meant to be for 1, haha. And with the current pandemic forever proving uncertain circumstances, I felt it was best to come home and just be with family as it had been over 2 years since I last saw them.

Version 2. 2021 was a life-changing moment. I had undergone surgery at the start of the year for a brain aneurysm. It was much more challenging than I had anticipated bouncing back. For someone who was working two full-time jobs, both actively and physically demanding, I found it so hard to rest or relax. It really took its toll on me emotionally and I came to a point where I had to tell myself “I need to put ME first!”. So that’s what I did. I took control and decided the best thing to do was to come home and just focus on myself and my recovery. I’m so glad I did.

Tell us a little bit about boxing, what you love about it, and why you're excited to get into the Rumble Room.

I was training Muay Thai in Singapore for about 5 years and it’s AMAZING! It’s a whole new level of fitness and strength building that became so addictive. So when I saw that Inspire offered boxing…I HAD TO BE A PART OF IT!

Back to cycle… what vibe do you generally gravitate towards in your classes?

I like to dabble in everything but if I have to narrow it down, heavy climbs and endurance. I believe the heavy climbs are SO important in building strength, especially for those crazy sprints out of the saddle.

Okay, time for some fun questions!

Who’s your favourite artist to play in class and your favourite song of all time to ride to?

I am a sucker for MJ and QUEEN. My fave song of all time? Wow, that is tough to choose. I have an awesome remix of “Wannabe Startin’ Something” that I would love to play in every class!

And your favourite Rumble Room track? What do you want to be hitting that bag to?

It’s very left field of me but, KANYE WEST. He has some pretty heavy beats that make me wanna just go nuts on the bag.

Favourite time of the day to teach?

MORNINGS!!!!! Yes, I’m THAT person.

What’s your favourite theme class you’ve ever taught?

80s!!!! My absolute fave theme. I love getting dressed up in all the neon colours and the big crazy hair.

When not instructing do you have any other hobbies?

I love riding outdoors. My husband and I invested in road bikes and we would ride around the whole of Singapore. I can’t wait to get back into it here. Oh, and I love baking (I kinda just eat the batter more than actually baking it haha)

What makes you and your classes unique?

I’m all about feeling the music and really connecting to the beat. Having a dance background, my choreography will definitely complement the music, which always makes the rides more fun.

Any other quirky facts we should know about you?

I love chocolate. It’s a serious addiction. I can’t even over-exaggerate if I tried. It has been a daily habit for goodness knows how long now, hahaha.

Sounds like you’ll fit in well here at Inspire! Last question Tiff (we promise)...

What does success look like to you?

Success can come in many forms but there is a quote my husband tells me, one that he truly lives by and it’s: “You know you’ve got it right when working is more fun than not working.”


Tiff is someone we absolutely can't get enough of, and we're sure you won't be able to either!

Check out our timetable to see when and how you can sign up for her classes!

Love + Light,

The Inspire Team

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1 Comment

Mar 15, 2022

This woman never fails to inspire me. Wherever she goes, she will be in her element. Thank you Inspire for welcoming her into your community! - Erwin

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