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Writer's pictureHolly Stocks




Almost 2 years with Ariel in Brisbane has gone faster than her legs in a 150BPM sprint (😉).

We're taking a look back at her Brisbane highlights, and asked her the question everyone's asking... What are you going to do in Melbourne?

A teaser...

"Well, you won't be getting rid of me that easily."

What has been the highlight of your past (almost) 2 years at Inspire?

Without a doubt, the highlight of my time at Inspire has been the people I've met and the friends I've made. I arrived in Brisbane not knowing a single person (besides my boyfriend) and 2 years on, I feel like I have formed so many incredible friendships that I am truly grateful for. I say it often, many people in the world don't wake up and look forward to going to work everyday, so I consider myself incredibly lucky to have a 'job' that I love more than anything.

How did Brisbane compare to your expectations?

I initially moved to QLD for my boyfriend as he was studying at UQ and I had absolutely no idea what to expect! I'd never been to Brisbane before. But it's safe to say that I was not thrilled at the idea of moving away from Melbourne. However, it's very clear now that I would gladly never leave Brisbane. It's the most underrated city! I absolutely adore the lifestyle here - everyone is so friendly and chilled, the weather is perfection (most of the time) and the traffic compared to Melbourne is a literal dream. I now make a point of telling anyone and everyone that Brisbane is where it's at.

What's made teaching at Inspire special?

I've said it once and I'll say it again - Inspire have the best riders I have seen in Australia and quite potentially, worldwide. I have trained at so many studios all over the world and the commitment, dedication and consistency of our riders is unmatched. As an instructor, there is no better feeling than looking out from the stage and seeing everyone pushing themselves and moving together to the beat. The community and support Inspire creates for their riders in order for them to grow, not only physically, but mentally as well, is something that will stick with me forever.

What is going to be the hardest thing about leaving in just a few weeks (😭)? What are you going to miss the most?

I am still in denial about leaving and genuinely can't talk about it for too long. If I think about it too much, I cry (I wish I was kidding - I literally extended my lease to put this off). It's impossible to even say what I'll miss the most because the last 2 years of my life have been probably the happiest and best I can ever remember experiencing. I will miss every part of my life here from the classes I take and participate in, to the beautiful friends I've made, to the endless brunch dates and EVEN the early mornings. It's going to be a very, very tough transition...

What's the favourite class you've taught?

Oh, this is so, so hard! I think the Birthday/Christmas rides are always the most fun because we get to do it all together. I absolutely loved my Child Stars Ride - that will forever be a favourite. There's been a bunch of other theme rides as well that I remember having TOO much fun in, like One Direction and Katy Perry VS JLo.

Favourite Brisbane memory?

Oh my lord, where to begin. My birthday last year stands out as one of the most fun nights ever for me! A bunch of us went out and literally danced for hours, it was epic. I also have never laughed more than the day I went horse riding with a few of my best friends here - that was incredible. Our Inspire Christmas parties are always a favourite of mine because I'm the only sober one, which is honestly the best entertainment you could ask for. And basically every single day at work - that I get to do what I love surrounded by people I love!

How have you seen your riders evolve?

From my first day to now, I can honestly say the progress I have seen in our riders is one of the things I'm most proud of and one of the main reasons I adore my job. When I arrived, we were still just coming out of that first Covid lockdown and we were still at 20 bikes (with all the restrictions and so much fear going on in the world). I remember everyone telling me they were dying in the jogs and they could never keep up with the endurance of my classes. Fast forward to now, we have around 50 in most classes and every single person is absolutely smashing it. Now my classes seem too easy! It's been an absolute honour to see how much everyone has grown and dedicated themselves. What we do is not easy so showing up every week and giving your all is something to be very proud of and our riders genuinely inspire me everyday.

What are you most looking forward to in Melbourne?

The main reason I am moving home is to be with my family and my boyfriend. If it were up to me, they'd all relocate here and I'd never leave Brisbane. Unfortunately, they won't take me up on that offer so I am definitely looking forward to being around my family again after 2 years, especially my beautiful nephews and puppies who I miss insane amounts!

The burning question: What's next for Ariel?

Well, you won't be getting rid of me that easily! I'll definitely be popping into Brisbane as much as I can. I'm ready to join the FIFO crew with Dom and Ed!

When it comes to my future in Melbourne... I can't reveal too much just yet, but let's just say - Melbourne 2023! Stay tuned for some BIG news...


We are going to miss having Ariel in the studio everyday - but it's definitely not a goodbye, it's a see you soon! Make sure you catch her on the schedule before she flies out on May 18. There are sure to be some incredible (and tear-filled!) rides ahead.

Check out our timetable to sign up, and follow Ariel on Instagram here!

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